
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. – 2 Corinthians 5:16-18

We consider ourselves blessed that you have a desire to give to our ministry.  It is only through generous donations from all of you that we can continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Below you will find an explanation of our $10 challenge and details on how you can give. When you are ready, click the give button below.

Thank you again for your support!

The $10 challenge is our invitation to you to join us in the effort to reach the people of the world with the Gospel. The concept is really very simple. We seek people who are willing to sponsor this ministry in the amount of $10 per month for at least three years. That adds up to $120 per year or $360 for the entire term. The more people who support us, the more people we can reach with the Gospel. For example: If 100 people support us, our total raised will be $12,000 per year. Just think what we could do if we have 1000 supporters! Will you help us in one or more of the following ways?

  1. Pray for us on a daily basis, faithfully.
  2. Pledge to be a $10 Challenge sponsor.
  3. Help recruit more $10 Challenge sponsors.

Hope Ongoing is in partnership with various local churches with the goal of teaming up to accomplish the work of the Gospel in Various parts of the world. Several partnering churches will send teams annually to serve in spreading the Gospel, with the goal of working with the people of Ukraine to build multiple reproducing disciples in Ukraine. We would love to have your help with this ministry. We will be the hands and feet of the Gospel to people all over the world. Will you join us?

As much as we would love everyone to sign up for the $10 challenge, we know that everyone’s situation is not the same.  Please understand that any amount you can trust us with will be a blessing and used directly for the ministry. You can Give a one-time gift or become a monthly supporter of Hope OnGoing! 

Thank you again for considering our mission as part of your giving.